Please read the following terms of use carefully prior to using this website.
Visiting this website implies acceptance of the following terms of use:
Our Company reserves the right to supplement, modify or delete at any time and without notice the information contained in this notice.
This notice does not constitute any contractual or other link between Our Company and visitors to the site or their respective beneficiaries.
Website information
This site is published by HEBCO INDUSTRIE
Registered office and administration : Avenue de l'Europe, Z.A. de Sologne, 41600 LAMOTTE-BEUVRON - France
SIRET : 814 246 724 000 11
RCS Blois B 814 246 724
TVA ID: FR48 814 246 724
APE (Principal Activity Code): 2932Z- Other automotive equipment manufacturing
Phone : +33 (0)254 830 114
You can contact us by email click here
Site hosting
Hosting management is provided by the web agency Processx solutions internet
112 Rue des Murlins
Phone. : 02 38 76 01 10
The person responsible for the publication of the site is M. Stephane CATALDI in his capacity as manager.
The information provided in this site by Our Company is given for information purposes only and has no contractual value.
Our Company strives to keep this site up to date. Nevertheless, Our Company does not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of the information presented on this site, whatever it may be.
With regard to any links that Our Company may post on this site, our Company is not responsible for the editorial content of these other sites, nor for their conditions of access.
The reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of pages, data and any other constituent element of this site, by any method or media whatsoever, is prohibited and constitutes, without authorisation of the publisher, an infringement.
Requests for authorisation should be addressed to the following email address :
The trademarks mentioned in the site are registered by the companies that own them.
Site access
Our Company will make all efforts to keep the site accessible, without however being subject to any obligation to achieve this. Please note that access to the site may be interrupted for maintenance, updating and any other reasons, especially technical reasons. Our Company is in no way responsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may arise from them for the user.
We draw your attention to the fact that the Internet is a system accessible to all. Whenever you voluntarily communicate personal information, you do so at your own risk. Such information may become known to people for whom it was not intended.
Personal data protection
Our Company may have to collect personal data concerning the user, via its site
In accordance with French Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Data Processing, Data Files and Civil Liberties, any user who has, directly or indirectly, deposited nominative information on the site may ask the administrator of the site to communicate the personal information relating to him, to have it rectified or deleted if necessary by addressing the request to Our Company whose address is mentioned at the top of this notice.
This site is designed to be consulted by users of browsers, including Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Opera for example.
Flash player plug-ins and Acrobat Reader may also be required.
This site has been designed and produced by the Web Agency Processx | Création de site internet | Agence à Orléans